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Package Options and Pricing

Freshman Package   $150 (2 sessions)

Preparatory Stage


  • Personality Assessment – Let us help you find insights into your personality and interests.  Selecting a major is a long way off, but being aware of your strengths will be invaluable as you navigate through high school.

  • High School Course guidance and Extra Curricular Activity Overview. Extra-curricular activities should never be chosen simply for how it will look on a college application.  However, keeping track and being wise with your time is paramount to success in high school – and will add depth and appeal to your college application. 




Sophomore Package   $250 (3 sessions)

Preparatory Stage


  • Personality Assessment

  • High School course guidance and extra curricular activity overview.

  • PSAT Review – The ACT/SAT is coming up.  Let us help you assess your PSAT score and target what areas you need to focus on, as well as create  a schedule for practice tests.




Junior Package     $500 (4 - 5 sessions)

Narrowing your Focus


  • Includes Preparatory Stage Mini-Assessment

  • ACT/SAT Planning – Creating a schedule  for ACT/SAT practice tests, test prep, and official tests is essential when it comes to standardized tests.

  • College Selection – Let’s find the “best fit” - “best value” school for YOU – one that is tailored to your strengths and interests.  Your final list will include some “likely,” “possible,” and “reach schools.”   The goal is to give you as many viable options as possible when it comes time for you to decide where to go to school.





Senior Package   $600 (4 - 6 sessions)

It’s Crunch Time


  • Application Oversight - Dotting your I’s and crossing your T’s is critical when it come to college applications.  We will help you keep track of all deadlines and requirements.

  • Financial Aid and Scholarship Opportunities – College is expensive, let us help you identify financial aid, scholarship, and grant opportunities.

  • Extra Curricular Positioning - You've done the work, now let us help you position it in the most advantageous way.

  • Personal Essay Guidance and Revision Oversight. Your college essay is a chance for you to shine and stand out as an individual.  Let us help you find your voice so your essay is a true reflection of who you are and what makes you unique.





Essay Only Help $350 (4 sessions)

Targeted Focus


  • Personal Essay Guidance and Revision Oversight. Your college essay is a chance for you to shine and stand out as an individual.  Let us help you find your voice so your essay is a true reflection of who you are and what makes you unique. Includes: one initial consultation, two revision sessions, and one electronic overview of final essay.



* Four-Year Special – includes all Packages for $1300 ($200 savings)

* All Packages can be done remotely thru a combination of Skype and email

The World at your Fingertips

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